Empire Chrome Shop is the nation's premier truck chrome shop store.
Do you ever get the feeling that someone is trying to emulate what you have done? We know how you feel. That's why we carry a vast selection of truck chrome for most makes.
Our chrome shop is staffed with people who have been around trucks for years. Heck, we've even drove a few of them at least 30 miles or so. I personally looked at several today. Anyway, if you have a question about truck chrome or accessories, just give us a call at 877-735-5033 or e-mail us. We would be glad to help you. If we don't know the answer to your question we will try to get the answer from the manufacturer or distributor. If that doesn't work we will be more than happy to meditate with you and pray to the Truck Chrome Gods to grant us your wish. If that doesn't work we'll gripe with you to the manufacturers. Who knows, they may end up making the part.
Looking for LED lights? Find them here at Empire Chrome Shop. We carry a large selection of interior and exterior LEDs in a variety of colors. We handle many of the hard to find lights. So if you want to give your truck chrome a new look, just add a new light.
What ever you do, have fun. We at Empire Chrome Shop would love to have you stop by our store located in West Memphis, Arkansas, off I-40 exit 280 or I-55 exit 4, just east of the Petro truck gate next to SpeedCo.
West Memphis, Arkansas
4251 Petro Drive, West Memphis AR 72301
Phone: 870-735-5033 or 877-735-5033 USA Toll-Free
Monday through Friday, 8 AM through 8 PM CST
Saturday 8 AM through 6 PM CST
Sunday 1PM through 5PM CST
Installation shop open 9 AM to 5 PM Monday through Saturday
Some large items unavailable for pickup on Sunday or after 5 PM on weekdays - CALL for more information
Store is accessible from Interstate 40 Exit 280, Interstate 55 Exit 4
San Antonio, Texas
8303 IH 10 East, San Antonio TX 78109
Phone: 210-661-6474
Monday through Saturday, 8 AM through 6 PM CST
Installation shop open 9 AM to 5 PM Monday through Saturday
Store is accessible from Interstate 10 East, Exit 585
The Chrome Prayer
Chrome is my addiction
I shall always want
It makes me lay down many green bills
It leads me to Empire Chrome Shop
It restores my big truck's beauty
It leads me to more chrome purchases
I cannot help myself
Yea, though I drive through the valley of DOT inspections
I will feel no evil; for your shine is with me
Your luster and brightness, they comfort me
Chrome prepares my big truck for DOT
It allows me to drive over high speed scales without stopping
I know that chrome purchases will bring health and goodness to me all of my trucking career
My heart will dwell in happiness for the rest of my days, for my chrome will always be with me.